If you have a luxury watch that hasn't been used for a long time and you wish to resell it to get some extra cash, there are several solutions that can help you sell your property quickly. However, it is important to note that these resale media do not always offer the right price for the item for sale, so make sure you know the value of your high-end watch before you sell it.

Advertising sites

First of all, it is important to remember that knowing the value of your merchandise is a crucial step when buying a watch to avoid being scammed and to avoid reselling your property at a good price. Therefore, to determine the value of your luxury watch, make sure you know certain elements such as the price of gold. Indeed, having an idea of the price of a gram of gold is essential in order to sell your watch at the best price. If your watch has gold components, it will increase its price considerably. Moreover, to publish the sale of your watch on the ad sites, you have the choice between 3 solutions. - Generalist sites: easy to use, free and accessible to all, large audience This solution is the most effective way to sell your watch quickly since generalist sites are open to everyone. To sell a watch at an affordable price, this is the ideal option. - Specialized sites: more qualified audience, more confidential transaction. You can sell your merchandise at a relatively high price - Specialized forums: very effective, but you will have to participate in the life of the forum (post messages, be active on the forum...)

Selling in a second-hand shop or an antique shop

Numerous second-hand shops can offer you the opportunity to buy a luxury watch. The advantage of this solution lies in the fact that it is very fast since the sale is done immediately and the transaction is more secure. This being said, this solution has some constraints to take into account. Indeed, not all luxury models are eligible for the watch buyback. If your item is eligible, it is likely that the buyer is offering a price well below its true value. If you are in possession of an antique watch, the antique dealer is the best solution since he can offer a price that corresponds to your expectations. There is also a service known as the deposit-sale offered by watch shops. You then agree on a price with the seller and entrust the sale of your item to the shop, which will take a commission in exchange for the service.